Creating a website can be a troublesome task taking into account all the creative and other thoughts that goes into it. A website needs to have elements that would catch the eye of the viewer, gripping him onto the content the moment he sees it. But this is not enough, the moment the user starts scrolling through it and clicking on each tab, that’s when UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) matters.
If a website
is all good to look at, and if its ranking is low, the reasons might be low
attention given for the UI and UX part of it. A website creator should focus
equally on both the sides, that is the aesthetics part and experience part of
any website that he is developing. A User-friendly
website focuses on giving a pleasant and smooth experience while
searching for information for the user. There should not be any glitches for
the end user, and that should be the end result for the website developer.
An easy navigation scheme: The purpose of any webpage should be to give the user the information they are looking for without any hectic process. The website designer should focus on this aim specifically and make everything simple in the website. The end user should be able to access any information -which includes buttons and links to take them to the desired information – effortlessly. If this isn’t the case with your website, consider restarting from the basics.
information: Website
builders normally tend to give too much attention on the font and other
decorative elements, forgetting in the process the readability of the content.
Never get it out of your mind that, the end result of your website is to give
information to the user. And this is where the readability of the font comes
into account.
attention of users is most of the time really low that instead of reading
through a webpage, they tend to scan the website templates. Hence, the information provided should be in
a way that it will be effortlessly readable for the end-user.
Loading should be made a must: If every section of your final webpage takes time to load,
the end-user will be tired of your website and can easily switch to another.
The success of your webpage is significantly depended on your loading time.
Make it a
thing by the graphic designer to remove all additional elements that are not in
use, this can significantly improve the loading time. Strictly stick to less than ten seconds as
the loading time, the user will never be patient when there are thousands of
webpages out there.
Friendly: Around
sixty percent of the webpages are loaded from mobile devices, and that is the
truth. The website maker should never forget the fact that mobile devices are
extremely important and the designing should keep this factor in mind. Web
development companies should make it a thing to make the design mobile friendly
and responsive while getting started with the work.
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